Journey for Justice | Power to Farmhands


It's not easy to make a decision between right and wrong, especially when people around you are hounding with their assumptions and presumption. The complex mesh of broadcast information is no longer a trustworthy platform to keep yourself informed. While media is busy collecting viewer's eyes, social media is busy entertaining itself by tweet wars. Seems things are turning ugly every moment with this speed of life; our thoughts are dusky covers of others' perceptions, now it's easy to walk behind someone instead of starting a line of our own. 

People are on the road, with their pain, with their grievance, hardly an ear to listen. People without a roof, without any food, but hardly any eyes to see. Tears in eyes, agony in heart, but hardly a lip to speak. Life is not easy; we are so busy living in the present that the past has never taught us how to deal with this time. A person with a miserable life has no rights to speak, to ask, or demand. A person who can have injuries over his hands while harvesting food for all can not have a slice of bread. A person walking miles of distance on uneven fields can not take a foot massage. A person feeding every individual has to stand on the road shouting for justice.

The nature of a leader should be compassionate and patient to listen to every single person. And not arrogant to avoid tough situations. Especially when we all know that - 

Democracy is By the People, Of the People, For the People.

"Humanity" now just a word. But don't let it be a word; even a single word can make a difference. Let's share a word of courage, a word of assurance, a word of being together. An appeal to listen to the pleads, listen to the people who have the pain to share. Let's help in our own way to make things easy.  

Thank you


