Happy New Year 2020 | Have a great Year


  How true, the time flows like water, 2019 to 2020, three sixty-five days of a year, the time just flew away. And perhaps many years flew away in the past and will continue in the future. Some times it seems life is too short, you had a lot of plans and things to do but time is busy running away from you. It's funny that we can hold everything, the failures, the success, relationship, the pain, the tears, the loneliness, and togetherness but fail to hold the time.
  I always wonder what's special on these two dates of 31st of December and 1st January. The feeling of motivation, determination, and self-love rises only in these two dates, and the rest of the year feels like nothing, lost, and demotivated. Is this a pause in our lives or just a resolution to start again? 

   To have a great year ahead, make sure to look back once. Before you turn to a new page, do turn back the pages. Before stepping to your new 365 days, look back to the 365 days that you have already experienced, that you have already learned about. Let yourself to explore all the right and wrongs you did, let yourself to know where you fail and where you won. How much you tried to achieve what you wanted to achieve? And how much you stopped to do so. Your, every fall, and rise. 
    Then turn the page and write a new chapter. Life is an opportunity, every day, it sheds the rays of hope and expectations on us, but perhaps we fail to dedicate ourselves completely. This new year lets Celebrate life, opportunities, and dreams. Let's, make every goal possible, and every failure, success.  

Wishing you a very Happy and Successful New Year.

Shiva S. Mohanty
