New Year Resolution | Resolution Power | #discussion

New Year Resolution

Taking a Resolution on the first day of the year has become a tradition in many countries of the globe from decades, where a person decides or takes an oath to accomplish a goal, change a habit or undesired trait, or bring improvement in life. 

But the question is why only the first day of January and why not at any time, or any month of the year? Perhaps the simple answer to this question is the concept of "round figure." December is a festive month, so food, fun and holidays occupy our mind over any other resolution and determination, so we take a break from every pressure and keep rest of the stress and work aside. And why not when life throws challenges towards us throughout the year, it's necessary to take a couple of weeks break at the end of a year. 

Is it Important to take a resolution?
I say Yes, it is. When you take a Resolution to change something or add values to your life, that means you want to work on yourself in a better way to make your life, and your loved once happier and successful. You have a resolution, that shows you want things around you to be better and improved, and it's okay if you fail to keep your promise, at least you tried, you stepped into your words. What if you can't pull it over through the year, next year try it again, and definitely, you will succeed. Instead of getting annoyed you should try, and try.

So take a resolution work towards that, be determined, and take care of your health and family. Even if you don't make a Resolution, always walk a step towards health and happiness. So, what you think of the New Year Resolution, do let me know.

Wishing You All A Very Happy, Healthy, And Prosperous New Year.  
